
Mending Broken Hearts- Pending Certification

Mending Broken Hearts teaches about the trauma of stripping away the culture, interconnectedness, elders’ teachings, spirituality, language, values, and ceremonies of Native Americans.

horse riding

Warrior Down/Recovery Coach- Pending Certification

 The Warrior Down/Recovery Coach provides support and relapse prevention for Native Americans who are completing treatment, are in recovery, or are reintegrating from incarceration. The program focuses on how Native American cultures, traditions, and ceremonies can guide an individual’s recovery process.

red road

The Red Road to Wellbriety-Pending Certification

The Red Road to Wellbriety is a journey of hope and healing for Native Americans seeking recovery from addictions. The book draws on the philosophies and practices of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, especially the Twelve Step process because it has much in common with traditional Native ways. When the 12 Steps are placed in a circle, they come into alignment with the tribal circle teachings. In addition to the explanation of recovery principles, you’ll find numerous Native Americans’ personal recovery stories to help you walk the road to well-being–both sober and well.

medicine wheel

The Medicine Wheel and 12 Steps-Certified

In this approach, the power of a 12-step program is blended with the power of the traditional Medicine Wheel teachings and American Indian ceremonies.
This program was created as a giveaway. This means no profit can be made. You can take from it what you feel will help you grow, and if you choose, you may pass it on to the next person you feel will benefit from it.

The Medicine Wheel & The Twelve-Steps was designed to not intrude on any particular American Indian or other culture. The program allows you to insert your own cultures into this recovery process. The basic premise from which this program was created is that:

  • All native cultures believe in a Supreme Being/Creator (Higher Power).
  • We believe in the elders as a guiding force.
  • We believe all tribal nations are different from each other.
  • We believe that alcohol (addiction, dysfunctional family system) is destroying us, and we want to recover.
  • We believe there is a natural order running the universe.
  • We believe our traditional ways were knowledgeable about the natural order.
  • A spiritual person is one who screws up every day and keeps coming back to the Creator.
  • Those who walk this road will find that our thoughts must change to the way Warriors think.
Native American Healing Practices

Native American Healing Practices

Traditional healing practices include:

  • Sweat Lodge
  • Smudging and Purification
  • Talking Circle
  • Songs and Drumming
  • Red Road Teachings
  • Native Arts and Crafts
  • Storytelling
  • Cultural Presentations
  • Positive Indian Parenting
  • Circle of Strength
  • Gathering of Native Americans